Diettao2020年9月29日讀畢需時 3 分鐘如何在一年內從零考到義大利文檢定考B2證書Ciao a tutti, 我是陶陶。 昨天終於拿到CELI(Certificato di Lingua Italiana)義大利文檢定考試的證書了,由於受到疫情影響,等了10個月才拿到(一個懷胎十月的概念) 在IG po了現實動態以後,陸續收到了很多人的私訊,想問我是怎麼...
Diettao2020年6月4日讀畢需時 3 分鐘Yes, It’s True, Everyone Can Cook!!2020, half of the world starts a life in quarantine, and I am one among these people. Most of the people recognize me as a food blogger,...
Diettao2020年2月19日讀畢需時 3 分鐘Top 5 Best Vintage treasure hunts in MilanMilan Fashion week is coming, are you still looking for some chic clothes to wear? Just always remember that VINTAGE is always the trend,...
Diettao2020年2月3日讀畢需時 3 分鐘Hot Pot? Why not? Since a lot of people have asked me ‘‘where can I have some authentic and traditional Chinese hotpot in Milan?” or “What is actually this...